Endemic Species

Home to Nature's Rarities: The Wonders of Mount Hermon

The most common annual Anthemis of Mt Hermon highlands | 2000+ Hhermon | Photo © albert keshet
إقحوان راشيا

Anthemis Rasheyana

Anthemis rasheyana, commonly known as the daisy of Rashaya, is a flowering plant species native to the Rashaya region in Lebanon. It belongs to...
الإسفندان الحرموني

Hermon Maple

The Hermon maple (Acer hermoneum) is a rare species of maple tree native to the eastern Mediterranean, particularly found in Lebanon and Syria, including...
النعار السوري

Syrian Serin

The Syrian serin bird (Serinus syriacus), also known as the Eastern serin, is a small passerine bird that belongs to the Fringilladae family. This...
ثوم حرموني

Allium Hermoneum

The native range of this species is Syria to Lebanon (Mt. Hermon). It is a bulbous geophyte and grows primarily in the temperate biome.
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Ferula Hermonis

Ferula hermonis Boiss, is an endemic plant of Lebanon, locally known as "shilsh Elzallouh". It has been extensively used in the traditional medicine as...
القُعِيْصَلان الحرموني

Bellevalia hermonis

Bellevalia hermonis is a rare species native to the regions of Syria and Lebanon, particularly around Mount Hermon. This perennial herbaceous plant belongs to...