Law No. 202 on the Establishment of Mount Hermon Nature Reserve

Justification for the Establishment of Mount Hermon Nature Reserve in the Town of Rachaya Al-Wadi – Rachaya District

The property No. 5851 in the cadastral area of Rachaya Al-Wadi is located within the Eastern Lebanon Mountain Range, specifically in Mount Hermon, which is considered one of the most significant areas in terms of biodiversity in the Mediterranean Basin.

Mount Hermon, also known as Jabal Al-Sheikh, is covered with layers of snow for most months of the year, contributing to the recharge of groundwater. Consequently, this site serves as one of the largest groundwater reservoirs in the region.

The area is rich in oak and juniper trees, along with other ancient trees, in addition to rare species in Lebanon, such as hawthorn, wild almond, bear plum, and wild pear trees. Furthermore, the site hosts a vast diversity of plants, particularly medicinal plants, with over a hundred species recorded.

Additionally, Mount Hermon is home to several mammal species endemic to Lebanon, including wolves, hyenas, and wildcats, all of which are nationally endangered. Moreover, the site serves as a secondary migratory corridor for several globally threatened birds of prey, such as the steppe eagle, greater spotted eagle, and imperial eagle, as well as other migratory birds like the lesser spotted eagle, eastern sparrowhawk, goshawk, black stork, and great white pelican. The reserve also provides a passage for numerous small migratory birds, including the whitethroat warbler, rock bunting, barn swallow, black kite, African collared dove, turtle dove, thrush, and various species of wheatears and serins. Additionally, many resident bird species nest in this area, such as the greenfinch, goldfinch, large scythebill warbler, blue tit, and Eurasian jay.

Based on the request submitted by the Mayor of Rachaya Al-Wadi on July 2, 2018, calling for the establishment of a nature reserve in the town of Rachaya Al-Wadi – Rachaya District on property No. 5851 in the cadastral area of Rachaya Al-Wadi, which was supported by Municipal Council Decision No. 69/2018 dated June 29, 2018, approving the establishment of a nature reserve on the mentioned property,

And based on the approval of the Ministry of Finance to establish a nature reserve on property No. 5851 in the cadastral area of Rachaya Al-Wadi, as stated in its letter No. 5155/2018 dated January 9, 2019, and registered at the Ministry of Environment under No. 6609/B on January 11, 2019,


The attached draft law has been prepared to establish Mount Hermon Nature Reserve in the town of Rachaya Al-Wadi – Rachaya District on property No. 5851 in the cadastral area of Rachaya Al-Wadi, as specified in the attached map.

The Parliament has approved,
And the President of the Republic promulgates the following law:

Law on the Establishment of Mount Hermon Nature Reserve

Article 1: Definitions

The following terms and expressions, wherever mentioned in this law, shall have the meanings assigned to them below:

  • Environment: The natural (physical, chemical, and biological) and social surroundings in which all living organisms exist, including the systems of interaction within the environment and between organisms and their surroundings.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment: The process of identifying, evaluating, and assessing the effects of a project on the environment, determining the necessary measures to mitigate negative impacts and enhance positive effects on the environment and natural resources before approving or rejecting the project.
  • Pollution: Any alteration in the physical, chemical, or biological properties of environmental elements that degrades their quality, making them unsuitable for their designated use or causing health, economic, social, or environmental harm in the short or long term.
  • Biological Diversity: The variability among living organisms from all sources, including terrestrial, marine, and aquatic ecosystems, and the ecological complexes they are part of, encompassing diversity within species, between species, and within ecosystems.

Article 2: Establishment of the Nature Reserve

Mount Hermon Nature Reserve is established on property No. 5851 (state-owned) in the cadastral area of Rachaya Al-Wadi, Rachaya District – Beqaa Governorate. The total area of the reserve is approximately 1,260 hectares, and its boundaries are delineated in black on the attached map, which is considered an integral part of this law.

Article 3: Objectives of the Nature Reserve

  1. Protection of Natural Resources: Safeguarding surface and groundwater from various forms of pollution, preserving ecological balance, and protecting wetlands and their ecosystems.
  2. Conservation of Landscapes and Biodiversity: Preserving natural landscapes and protecting plant and animal species, particularly endangered, rare, or unique species and their habitats, maintaining ecological balances, and safeguarding biodiversity from all causes of degradation, pollution, and extinction. This includes promoting the sustainable use of natural resources for scientific research, organized eco-tourism, and organic farming to ensure their preservation for future generations in the public interest.

Article 4: Zoning of the Nature Reserve

The nature reserve may be divided into protection zones and management/monitoring zones by a decision of the Minister of Environment, in accordance with the management plan for the reserve as stipulated in Article 7 of this law.

Article 5: Regulations for Construction and Investment in the Buffer Zone

  1. Regulations governing construction and investment within the buffer zone of the nature reserve, defined as a 200-meter perimeter from the reserve’s boundaries, shall be subject to a special zoning plan issued by decree in accordance with legal procedures, after consultation with the Ministry of Environment.
  2. All public administrations are prohibited from establishing any public facility within this buffer zone without prior approval from the Ministry of Environment.
  3. All zoning and planning regulations must align with the laws governing nature reserves.

Article 6: Supervision and Management of the Nature Reserve

  1. Management Committee:

    • A five-member volunteer committee with financial and administrative independence is established for a renewable term of three years to oversee the proper management of the reserve, implement its budget, and carry out protection and conservation activities.
    • The members are appointed by the Minister of Environment, with priority given to individuals holding university degrees or expertise related to environmental fields.
    • The committee must include representatives from the Municipality of Rachaya Al-Wadi, the Ministry of Agriculture, and environmental and development organizations, ensuring expertise in relevant scientific fields.
    • The committee operates under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment and defines its tasks and responsibilities by ministerial decree.
    • The committee must establish an internal regulation that becomes effective upon approval by the Ministry of Environment.
  2. Operational Team:

    • The committee may contract a dedicated team to manage daily operations within the reserve, subject to prior approval from the Minister of Environment.
    • The team is responsible for implementing conservation activities, maintaining wildlife and flora, executing management plans and annual work programs, and overseeing patrolling and monitoring.
    • Reserve rangers, after following procedures outlined in Protected Areas Law No. 130 (April 30, 2019), have the authority to document violations, confiscate illegal materials, and refer cases to judicial authorities.

Article 7: Management Plan for the Reserve

  • The management committee, in coordination with the operational team, shall propose a five-year management plan, which must be approved by the Ministry of Environment.
  • The plan should assess the ecological status of the reserve, outline its priorities for conservation or rehabilitation, and provide detailed strategies for its administration.
  • The plan is binding on all public and private entities and is implemented through detailed annual work programs.

Article 8: Budget of the Nature Reserve

  1. The Ministry of Environment’s budget shall include specific allocations for the reserve.
  2. Public and private entities, as well as local, regional, and international organizations, may contribute funding through grants and donations, subject to approval by the Council of Ministers.
  3. The reserve’s annual financial accounts are subject to prior approval by the Ministry of Environment and subsequent auditing by the Court of Accounts.

Article 9: Awareness and Public Information

  • The management committee, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, shall develop an environmental awareness program as part of the reserve’s management plan.
  • The program aims to highlight the local, regional, and international significance of the reserve by organizing educational activities, promoting eco-tourism, and supporting organic farming and environmentally friendly handicrafts.
  • Informational materials, brochures, and publications may be issued to support these objectives.

Article 10: Prohibited Activities in the Reserve

Any act that damages the nature reserve, disrupts its ecosystem, or harms biodiversity is prohibited, including but not limited to:

  1. Cutting, processing, or extracting trees and plants.
  2. Grazing livestock.
  3. Extracting minerals, water, or soil (except for scientific research approved by the Ministry of Environment).
  4. Starting fires or burning vegetation.
  5. Hunting in all forms.
  6. Dumping waste or pollutants.
  7. Any other activity that harms the reserve’s natural resources, disturbs wildlife, or degrades its landscapes.

Article 11: Penalties for Violations

In accordance with relevant laws, including Protected Areas Law No. 130 (2019), Environmental Protection Law No. 444 (2002), Wildlife Conservation Law No. 580 (2004), and Forestry Protection Law No. 558 (1996), the following penalties apply:

  1. Illegal tree cutting or extraction: A fine of 2,500,000 LBP per tree and/or imprisonment of three months to three years, plus additional fines for processed timber.
  2. Unauthorized grazing: A fine of 250,000 LBP per animal and/or imprisonment of two to six months.
  3. Setting fires: Severe penalties including fines and imprisonment, as outlined in environmental laws.

Article 12: Public Access and Activities

  • The public is allowed to visit the reserve and engage in eco-friendly activities in accordance with its management plan.
  • The management committee sets entry fees and activity charges, with all revenue allocated to reserve conservation efforts.
  • The collection and utilization of these funds shall be governed by the financial regulations of the reserve as specified in Article 6.

Article 13: Official Registration of the Reserve

The law shall be registered with the relevant cadastral authority, and a notation of the reserve’s establishment shall be made in the property records of the designated land.

Article 14: Implementation

This law shall enter into force upon publication in the Official Gazette.

Baabda, December 30, 2020
Signature: Michel Aoun
President of the Republic

Issued by the Prime Minister
Signature: Hassan Diab
Prime Minister

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