The Convention applies to migratory species, with Parties acknowledging the need for action to prevent any migratory species from becoming endangered. In particular, Parties commit to:
- Promoting, cooperating in, and supporting research related to migratory species.
- Providing immediate protection for species listed in Appendix I.
- Concluding agreements for the conservation and management of species listed in Appendix II.
- Appendix I includes endangered migratory species requiring urgent protection.
- Appendix II includes migratory species with an unfavorable conservation status or those that would significantly benefit from international agreements.
The Convention also provides guidelines for the content of such agreements. Additionally, it establishes:
- A Conference of the Parties to review implementation and amend appendices.
- A Scientific Council to provide expert advice.
- A Secretariat to facilitate coordination and administration.
(Source: UNEP Register of International Treaties and Other Agreements in the Field of the Environment, 2005)
For more information visit the original source: https://www.cms.int/